The Apple Of God's Eye

July 10, 2011

Supreme Court ‘Justice’: Trample Parental Authority, Promote Filth

Editors Comment: The following article is from a website called The I visit it daily because it offers insights that you can’t get anywhere else. This article shows another example of the inability of humankind to rule themselves because they have rejected the moral authority of the Bible. Today, society feels free to pursue deviancy with reckless abandon, practicing sodomy, adultery, witchcraft, a number of censorable behavioral expressions and so on. Our society has become morally debased because it has rejected the simplicity of God’s laws as preserved for us in the Bible.


Supreme Court ‘Justice’: Trample Parental Authority, Promote Filth

Have you seen the video games children are playing now? You probably know there is some ruckus over violent gaming, but if you dare look into it, you will be horrified. A five-minute Internet search of “violent video games”—if you can make it that long—will leave you feeling sick and sad.

You will read of stalking, abduction, murder, torture, dismemberment, decapitation, impaling, ethnic cleansing and rape, all taking place in realistic worlds populated by hit men, drug lords, psychopaths, zombies, school shooters, war criminals and worse. You will find out that millions of children are immersing themselves in realistic games that not only allow but encourage them to become killers, sadists, mutilators and monsters—human and otherwise—striking with flamethrowers, scythes, meat grinders, syringes, chainsaws, cattle prods and human shields.

It’s bad enough just reading that list. You don’t want to sear your eyes by even glimpsing a screenshot of one of these blood-spattered games—let alone seeing moving pictures of one. (more…)

June 21, 2009

Leftism And The Collapse Of The United States

Leftism is a belief system spanning from liberal socialist democracies all the way through totalitarian communism. It encompasses many divergent ideas, strategies, and tactics.

The left cabal almost universally despises things American. It has a hatred of country, paranoia, accusations of “right wing conspiracies,” and admiration for revolutionary icons. Leftists are concerned with, and are opposed to, economic and social injustice. Their systems are unified by a belief in the worker and the common people having the right to self-determination, as well as embracing the overthrow of the moneyed elites and the destruction of elitist power, culture and dogma.

Leftists are concerned with, and are opposed to, economic and social injustice. They propose ameliorating social ills through active intervention or charity, whether under the auspices of the State, NGOs, or other formal organizations.

They believe that human beings do not naturally get along, so they must be educated and encouraged to be cooperative. When all else fails, this can always be enforced by the State, through the sanctioning of some properly constituted legal institutions where they get to make most of the rules to be enforced. (insurgentdesire)

Their dream is a utopia of equality, justice and individuality for all, no matter who they are. Former U.S. president Jimmy Carter was afflicted with this ideology, thinking Hamas was “an organization ready for peace.” And Bill Clinton neglected numerous chances to capture or kill Osama bin Laden. His tepid reaction to the embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, and the attack on the USS Cole in Aden, encouraged America’s enemies.

Now we have President Barack Obama. In his bookbook: “The Case Against Barack Obama,” author David Freddoso says, “Many among the media and his followers have elevated him to nearly divine status. Barack Obama has escaped realistic appraisal and serious-minded critique more than any man (or woman) who has ever been elected to our nation’s highest office.

The real Barack Obama certainly is a man of hope: hope to govern America from the far Left. He cavorts with liberal ideological soulmates who like him believe in the redistribution of higher taxes, and a Supreme Court full of young judges enthralled by the notion of “living, breathing Constitution” that says pretty much whatever they want it to say. In addition to “stimulating” the stagnating economy, bailing out lending institutions, and providing financial relief for homeowners, the new administration also intends to spend trillions more on alternative forms of energy, universal health care and public education.

A historical shift to the left

Anyone who cannot see that we now have the most radically left leaning President in history, and with him the most dangerous time in history,  is either historically ignorant, intellectually dishonest or willfully self-deceptive.  And this has created a whole new set of problems. The world’s evils are mounting so quickly that they threaten to overwhelm domestic concerns! Your Bible has prophecies which show America will ultimately experience a state of terminal collapse, which we are beginning to experience now. Although this may sound foolish to people unaccustomed to critical analysis, it is clearly stated and can be proved in more than a hundred prophecies of the Holy Bible.

This book prophesies of a seventh resurrections, or resurgence, of the Holy Roman Empire (Revelation 17:10-12).  “And there are seven kings: five are fallen”—Justinian, Charlemagne, Otto the Great, Charles v and Napoleon—“and one is”—the Hitler-Mussolini axis, which was on the world scene when this prophecy first began to be understood—“and the other is not yet come”—but it is rising now—“and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.”

America is extremely inwardly focused because of its financial mismanagement—leading to being totally distracted by geopolitical events elsewhere. With America unprepared and reeling, the Holy Roman Empire grows in Europe unimpeded. Watch for a perilous 2009.

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